It's been so long since I have written that I don't even know where to start! Sorry about that. We are just busy living life here.
I will start with Cohen, since he's the baby and all! Hard to believe he will be 2 YEARS OLD this month. Time has really flown. He is doing great, we have had some trouble with his G tube this fall. It had been infected for over 60 days, and we were worried the surgeon would have to move it. Thankfully, its really improved in the last 2 weeks. Since then, he has had croup pretty bad. He can't sleep and coughs so much. It's a cough that hurts your heart. I feel like today he is some better. Hoping he can feel 100% better soon.
Cohen will have a swallow study at Vandy December 19th. We are already hoping and praying for improvement and some good news. We also are taking him to Cincinnati Children's Hospital in January for some 2nd opinions. This has been a long process to get approved and actually an appointment, but we hope to hear some different views and options for his swallowing and overall health care needs. I am super excited and dread this visit at the same time. They will repeat his MRI, broncoscopy, do a sleep study, and lots and lots of other poking and prodding. In the end, I think it's worth knowing we are doing everything we can for him.
Ames is now 3 1/2. He is a busy little boy and talks non-stop. He even talks in his sleep. He loves Cohen so and they really play and have fun together. Watching the bond of brothers grow stronger daily warms my heart. He is SO excited for Santa to come visit and is asking for a garbage truck. Everywhere we go people mention his red hair. He is really funny about it. In the grocery store yesterday a lady said "look at that hair." Ames told her "ya, ya, I know, it's red." I couldn't help but laugh.
Calee is doing great, she is the busiest of all of us between dance and school. Her Christmas recital was last weekend. She was beautiful and it was fun to watch her. This week she visits nursing homes 3 days with her dance group. I am thankful for her big heart and her love of her little brothers. I think she is more excited about Christmas for them than for herself!
Here is a few pictures from the dance recital and around the house. Enjoy! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!!!!
Calee singing and dancing! |
Calee in her performance group |
Love Cohen's face here |
Ames and Cal |
If I could only get all 3 to look! |
Cohen winking! |